木曜日, 6月 17, 2004
A Tribute to my Internship Mates
Heh... the people most frequently mentioned in the blog actually look like that... Hehehehe.
Whoa.. I can almost feel TNP coming after us, desperately seeking for interview of the sightings of 4 FREAKS on top of Suntec Summit!!! Hahaha...
That day (oh actually was quite some time ago) we went to Suntec Summit cuz GM is on the board of directors... He brought us there. COOL MAN. Can see Singapore all the way to TAMPINES la I think... then can see a lot of land. Looks like there's still a bit to develop in Singapore hehe.
And it's quite windy up there though HOT. I think too near the sun or too near the tanks on the rooftop.
Then from the rooftop can actually see the offices in Suntec Tower so close. COOL man. Heh
6/17/2004 10:01:00 午後
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Trivial Trival- Quizzy Time!!!
Hey all...
I'm gonna write this here.
I'm wearing my $32 birthday ring from ML, WY, Yvonne and Peishi! :) Too bad no camera (YJ not here) I cannot take a photo of me typing on this very typing-unfriendly keyboard.
Anyway, what an embarrasing thing happened this morning.
I am wearing my new skirt today. (YEs the one i bought yesterday...)
Just took it out of the plastic bag and put it on after I came out off the shower.
Sounds correct yah? Nothing wrong with it right?
haha. Guess what went wrong. Post it on the tagboard! :)
Alicia and PPT are banned from this quiz.
6/17/2004 07:28:00 午後
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A quick one
Ok. I was home by 730pm. Obviously didn't go for the $20 buffet HR networking thing because by the time I finished my lunch it was 4pm. And too tired, and still got transcripts to do.
I just finished my last final transcript!!!!!! Yipee!!!!! BUT havent edited finish. Got 1.5 more to edit.. sob... this one is 18 pages long! I did about, say 8? Whoa. Amazing huh...
Ok. Just wanna say I bought a skirt today. Argh... made a 'mistake'. The salesgirl said "Here 50%" (discount). So I happily counted $59 divide 2= $30. Ok what. $30 dollars although exceed my budget by $10.
She said wrongly. It was actually 20% discount. The skirt came up to be $47.20.
What's the use of a budget when you exceed it by 100%.
Poor accountant. Don't hire me as one.
THat means I spent $14.50 (don't ask me what I spent it on.. i spent it in the morning) + $1.90 (b.fast) + $47.20 + $3.50 (lunch) + $2.25 (Mos Ice Milk Tea) = I REALLY DONT WANT TO DO THE MATHS.
To be honest, by the end of the day, I had no more money. I even used up my coins.
ARGGGGGHHHHH. I better go and sleep now or I will end up spending $14.50 again...
Did it 3 times this week already cuz too tired from transcripting.. overslept.
Self Discipline, Michelle.
6/17/2004 10:41:00 午前
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yeah... I'm crazy. i think by now you might have noticed. I like guys with short hair... look so clean and all that. Of coz with the exception of Aragon who looks so man. My fav character in LOTR.
6/17/2004 03:03:00 午前
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Pringles Dream Team!

Back Row: Stephane Henchoz (Switzerland), Miroslav Klose (Germany), Fabien Barthez (France), Ruud van Nistelrooy (Holland), John O'Shea (Ireland), Barry Ferguson (Scotland),
Front Row: Rui Costa (Portugal), Alessandro Del Piero (Italy), Wayne Rooney (England), Guti (Spain), Ryan Giggs (Wales)
Oh!!! Check this out... chanced upon this on an advert. It's bloooooddddyyy cute man.
6/17/2004 02:54:00 午前
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水曜日, 6月 16, 2004
1215pm. Other Blogging Moments
Afternoon peeps, welcome to pre-Lunchtime blogging show.
Ok. I am traumatised looking at my page... used to love reading my entries cuz i think oh what a boring person can write such interesting stuff. oh well ok.
shall move out of my depressed state. I've got quite some people to thank.
1) My Namesake
Thanks for your blog entry and your spicy cajun pringles. They got me dancing in the meeting room ( haha u didnt see it cuz u were back facing me). They were positive and spirits lifting.
2) Alicia for her 2nd Blogging Moment and 2nd Biscuit moment
Ok this time it's Alicia. I don't know how she did it but she spilled biscuit crumbs all over her laptop. WOW. and then she was like
OH SHIT very loudly in the the office that only has me and her but still I think that made an impact. So funny. hahahah.
Then I went over with my empty DAO HUI ZUI cup and tissue paper and started helping her clear the biscuit crumbs while she held her laptop up cuz her workstation is too squeezy. poor girl. I do wish to help you expand your workstation by boxing the obsolete monitor that is not working and smashing the typewriter up. But anyway, back to the tissue paper and clearing the biscuit crumbs.
A: haha... you have bad aiming
(The biscuit crumbs were falling onto the carpet, too bad)
M: Shhhhhhhhhhhhh.......
Oh then why am I writing it here?
Blogging Moment
Thanks to Alicia who was the one who went to pantry to get warm water and panadol to me yesterday when I was having headache. Thanks.
Ok, I gonna go for retail therapy later. I wanna buy one more skirt. Budget $20. I think I can do it man... I NEED a skirt. it's not a want, but a need. Girls, you'll know why.
Tonight got this HR networking thing, not sure if I should go. Another $20 on the buffet at American Club. Must submit names cuz security is tight there. So mahfan then who the stupid person arrange it there? Some more $20. If so, that means today I would have spent $20 + $20 + $14.50 + $1.90 + $4= I dont want to do the maths and start getting depressed all over again.
Let's be forward sounding. Let's play down that deep, inner most depressed part of me and bring on that deeper, innest optimist. I am inherently an optimist. Did a test on it. And I have good emotional control because I never let it show up. I only talk to myself about, and dear blog, you're now like a 2nd me.
Really, can't wait for Taegukgi. I might just watch it twice.
6/16/2004 09:17:00 午後
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It's 1030am and welcome to the morning blogging show.
Well I am still feeling the hangover from yesterday's depression. Been flipping the classified today looking at the
airfares once again and still relishing on whatever hopes of a holiday.
Think I will call them up and you know what most of the dirt cheap airfares require "TWO TO GO"
Think I will settle for the cheap ones then.
Whatever. .
Helen my supervisor just walked past and asked me if I was sick. I was shocked. Then she said she saw the panadol on my table. Wah I think she got keen observation skills. No la. From yesterday's. Had a headache from too much performance appraisal.
Anyway, I decided. Even if I had to go alone, I will still go. Get some inspiration or whatsoever. Think I will settle for Hong Kong, where I know the place at my finger tips and going there always inspires me. Or maybe Perth. maybe can ask Gareth where his parents' bungalow is then lend it to me. Then maybe Melbourne or Sydney. Maybe not too many maybes are no good. Ok. Shall ask permission from my mum first to go off for a few days and cool it.
I feel at PIECE.
6/16/2004 07:28:00 午後
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Feeling very drained. Have been doing the transcriptions for the past few nights. Into this kind of hour. But I feel like blogging now. So if I sound incoherent, I am. And my back and shoulder muscles are tugging at me. Very tensed up.
So tired I need a holiday. But there is nobody to go with me.
Nobody wants to go anywhere, like the KL trip... honestly I think it will be a very tight trip. It's good company but it's gonna be tight, so I don't know if it will happen or not.
Saw the SIA promotions today on Classified. Sorry I mean yesterday.
Erps... paiseh. me sound so agitated. it's dirt cheap but NOBODY. NOBODY. NOBODY wants to go anyway. Is it you guys or is it ME!?!?!?!
$200+ too expensive for HONGKONG???
$100+ too expensive for KL???
$200+ too expensive for Bintan?
Ok friends I am not blaming you. Seriously. I do understand your constraints. I am just blaming myself that I am allowing such a good opportunity slip away from me. I just hate it when I can't find anybody who has the same objective with me- just going there to relax and all that don't want to worry about what the hell money that you cannot do without. I just hate it when I am feeling sad depressed but there is nothing much I can do. I hate it more when you are going to say i should probably adjust my attitude and feel positive because I have always been very positive about things. I just hate it that so much that I hate what I am saying I am still saying it although it will ruin a friendship or whatever shit. (hey it rhymes!)
I hate myself for not being sociable enough to know enough people who can go on holiday trips with me without worrying about money. I hate myself for using the word 'enough' when in actual fact I know none. I hate myself for using the word hate cuz I don't really hate it it's just that I can't find a better word.
So much for motivating myself with Won Bin and Kimu-Taku-chan
So weird when I write horrible things like this. But this is what I want to say and I don't give a shit about it. Take it anyway you want. I am feeling very drained. If I were to do a test on energy i would score NEGATIVE. NEGATIVELY ENERGISED. (You get it? it's deep on this one do you understand me?)
Long posts. I am perfectly fine. Don't worry. It's not like the world is falling apart and there is a catastrophy (wrong spelling wat the hell, even if there is a catastrophy, even if the world is falling apart, i still yearn for a good holiday.
A good holiday.
And yes to add to all my woes, I am beginning to think I probably need to have a boyfriend. To help me, friends who happen to read my posts and feel my angst and are nice enough to apart from posting a note on the tagboard, do engage in some action. If you also happen to know someone who is intelligent and cute, please introduce them to me. (i emphasise that they have BOTH) Thanks. Don't need to look like Kimu Taku or Won Bin though. somewhere near there would always be a bonus. (although they are both cute and talented)
Having said all these, I need to sleep. Good Night. And you know what, there is performance appraisal to complete tomorrow.
6/16/2004 10:02:00 午前
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Local Productions

What a nice way to start a new blog entry. Haha. Brother just said I have a grammar error in my post which started with "Doesnt him just motivate you?" Ok. I admit it but i gotta say I wasn't in the right frame of mind. I was having HEADACHE from too much perf appraisal.
Anyway, just wanna add something about THe Best Bet.
For one i think Jack Neo is really a smart guy. On Streats(/)Today, there was an article bombarding how Mr Neo is a victim of sponsors and that his movie is full of 'advertisements'- advertising the Mitsubishi Aircon, Fridge, Osim iSymphonic etc... (I wonder when someone types Mitsubishi in Google, will my blog be featured there? I shall try later) but this aside, this is not exactly the issue i want to discuss.
As I've said in my first line on the preceding paragraph which is also my topic sentence, JACK NEO IS REALLY A SMART GUY. Making a film on betting, speaking Hokkien. Wow really he struck many chords in the heartlanders. It even broke the local box office record for the opening on the first day with box office sales of $171xxx island wide. (i think i got the figures correct) Well... smart because imagine he made a deeper, more difficult film but even more critically acclaimed would he have gotten the correct crowd to watch the movie?
And he's also smart because if he attempted to make another films of the like of Homerun, which I personally found it heartwarming, he probably would not do as well as the first huh.(which usually happens on 'sequels' or 'remakes'. remember matrix/lotr/WU Jian Dao???)
Another observation was, what a totally different director from the Homerun one la!!! Different "pai1 she4 shou2 fa3" I think this one probably directed the first few ones like, those money a very big problem or not a problem at all movie that kinda thing. Horrible.
OH WAIT Isn't Jack Neo the director??? Wah... either he is versatile, or he was really inspired when he did Homerun. And what happened? Or maybe a change of cameraman? Or, I don't know la. Despite all the sponsors he had, the film quality was not as good as the Homerun one la! strange...
Ignore me if you think I am writing rubbish.
I am just being
candid *winks*
BTW, I really enjoy Daddy's Girls and Heartlanders man... too bad season finale next week for Heartlanders. I think Julian Hee is getting cuter and cuter. At first he got a "hey julian, you cannot make it face" but man, what a nice and bright smile when you were smiling to your grandma. Going to bomb a station liao still can smile so brightly and flash your pearlies. Good acting (in front of your grandma)
I think if you really read my blog you should be very blur now. Don't know if I like or dislike what I have written. Well, that's what I am. I don't like/dislike stuff. I am neutral. A true Gemini. :P
6/16/2004 05:58:00 午前
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A Blog Moment
Doesn't him just motivate you?

Hehe... anyway...
Just now I was in the room with Alicia and Peiting, I was munching on the wonderful Pringles Spicy Cajun flavor when Alicia opened up Peiting's mouse. (I mean... who plays with mouse!!??!) heehee
Anyway here's the dialogue (as good as my memory can remember)
Alicia: peiting, i know why your mouse so
lousy already
(shows us the mouse without the ball bearing)
Oh it's not my mouse, it's my brother's mouse from the office.
Alicia: See, so dirty inside. Come pass me a sharp thing, I clean the moust
(diligently digs the shit out of the mouse)
Michelle: (with a very approving look, tapping Alicia on the shoulder)
Eh, tomorrow I bring my mice for you to clean.
The things people do today...
6/16/2004 01:14:00 午前
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火曜日, 6月 15, 2004
Well.... the only reason why I am starting to ramble on about Won Bin is because I like him. Haha. Also bored in the office, don't want to start on Perf Appraisal. So what if I keep procrastinating? Neh neh ni bu bu...
Anyway, was watching the Taegukgi trailler on the train. My gosh... can't wait for it to come out. Gonna watch with mingli who likes Jang Dong Gun and I like Won Bin and we can swoon over them... whoa man.
To be honest, I think Won is gay... but does it matter when he's my eye candy?

Won bin
Please check him out here man.
Was surfing this website wonbin.com Walau... so many nice pictures of him la! But the stupid selfish person wanna show off Flash skills. Cannot download the pictures la.... Waliew. UGH. I shall go and learn how to extract Flash. STUPIDDDDDDDDD but i wanna praise this person for being resourceful la. Ok. Good person. Without you I wont be able to enjoy swooning over Won Bin.
Another reason why I like Won Bin is because he looks like Kimura Takuya. Another of my eye candy. Whoaaaaaa.... Eye Candies. Keep me motivated, alive and in blisssss!!!!! :)
6/15/2004 08:32:00 午後
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Won Bin (1)
Ah... what a morning. Can't wait for Taekukgi to come out at GV Cinemas cuz got my favourite Won Bin... Hehee..
Check him out here

So damn Shuaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!
Ah... i almost screwed up the NEW photostating machine just now. it is NEW. just installed yesterday. Can scan, fax, photocopy. Wow... but, a white elephant. literally. BIG FAT AND WHITE. Not my fault what...I was just trying to help man. Cuz the NEW machine kept on jamming. How stupid. Wrong Move. So stupid of me. Shouldnt have even helped at all. Should just sit theree and stick my head in my blogging.
It delayed the time taken for my Won Bin blog to come up can...
Think I will flood my blog with Won Bin photos.
6/15/2004 07:49:00 午後
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Birthday in Office
6/15/2004 07:46:00 午後
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My Green Ring!
All right. Here's
one of my rings. hehe... shall put up the rest another time cuz this is so time consuming... uploading photos and all.

My Green Ring!
6/15/2004 07:41:00 午後
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月曜日, 6月 14, 2004
Moments to DIE for
Haha... i shall mention this here cuz PPT said I will prob write it in the blog. haha
It's my first entry today, considered quite late. I think I write better in the morning, or when the clock strikes 12pm. Heh.
Anyway, given that I am an 'organised' person, i shall document each
moment to die for in bullets.
1) PPT and the Peanut Butter Biscuit
Yes, I was teaching PPT how to put in the links in blogspot and she went "Oh Chey" and the next moment, my work station was flooded by biscuit crumbs which spilled out from PPT's mouth. Imagine she was talking to a good looking hunk (cuz some self professed humk are not good looking) and she did that... Gosh. *turn off* So much for being my namesake. hahaha :P
2) Target spotted: Nalgene Honey Yellow 1 litre Bottle
Yes, I've been eyeing on the bottle ever since before exams started. (i know you won't be bothered to do the maths but it's abt 2 mths ago anyway) Finally! Spotted it at the sports shop downstairs!!!! Yipeee.e.eeee for this I must thank my namesake Ms PPT. Hehe :) Despite her... cannot make it peanut butter biscuit episode.
3) Rejection Phone Call
Ok... I dont want to talk too much about this. I want to bury my face in the sand for this. Argh. Read PPT's blog if you wanna know why. But anyway, GM said must be able to take failure. Don't worry. To get there to be a headhunter I will learn from my mistakes of saying the wrong things. Till then, you should start dropping me your namecard (if you have any :P)
6/14/2004 11:56:00 午後
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日曜日, 6月 13, 2004
Rejection Letters
I am amazed at my addiction to blogging. (especially in the office)
Wonder if it will continue and persist even after my internship stops.
Thanks for reading also, if you've always been a fan. :)
Anyway, now I have to type a rejection letter. How to reject people? Wonder if it makes a difference how certain words are phrased cuz no matter what, that person is rejected. Well doesn't mean we go straight and say "Sorry, you are not selected". or say certain things that doesn't maintain the goodwill of the company. #_* cynical smile.
Anyway... if you ever need to type a rejection letter, do go through some of the websites that proclaim "Sample Rejection Letter". You will learn how not to write one.
*_# cynical smile
6/13/2004 11:42:00 午後
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boring person
suddenly feel i am a damn boring person cuz liting says my blog is so boring... all about food.
is that boring or should i consider myself lucky that i have the fortune to eat so many good things? dunno...
don't ask for too much in life hor?
cuz i think when God gives you some things, he takes away some others.
I'd rather not exchange what i have now for something else.
I'd work for the things that I want I guess...
6/13/2004 11:28:00 午後
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Phin's Steakhouse @ Liang Seah Street
Birthday lunch was wonderful... only a bit yi2 han4 that cousins Jeanie and family were in Japan and cousin Jiawei wasn't there also.. some course. Zannen dessu...
Had a very nice fish n chips and we had strawberry short-Keki. (cake) YUMMY
Yup, with family and all that... then at night still went to eat ala carte buffet at some hotel with auntie and family, whoa.... Chowed on the prawns... so damn yummy....! and the e-fu mee also.... wah sei... the only thing i didn't eat was Crabs. Cuz chilli crabs a lot of gravy. didnt want to spill on my top hee.
Love to talk about food.
I'm gonna eat Poh Piah now. Been hungry for quite a while.
6/13/2004 09:56:00 午後
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Cineleisure Roadshow
Hosted the Red Cross Blood Donation Drive @ Cineleisure today. Think I improved much more than last last saturday.
Last last saturday I felt jitty, shitty and not worth the amount I was getting
Last Saturday I felt I was much better. Less Jitty, shitty and more worth the amount I was getting.
I would give myself a pat on the back. Despite my tiredness and poor dressing, I think I did much better.
Let's talk abt the good points.
1) More Candid
2) More Zhu Dong
3) Better jokes
4) Better feel of my partner
5) Was hosting the game not too badly with a better humor though there was not much of an audience.
Let's talk about the bad points.
1) Positioning- shouldnt walk in front of the performer when going up to interview him
should have pushed him to the center
2) Should do a little bit more filling in
3) Should be even more candid
4) Should crack even better jokes
5) Should learn how to converse with partner and lead partner to the next sentence
6) Should be even more composed
7) Should stop rambling
8) Should have introduced myself more often *hehe*
Anyway, after a night of thought, I think I really should set up my event management company. Think I can be a good producer. seriously. should give this even greater thoughts man
6/13/2004 09:50:00 午後
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11 June 2004- Eps 2
Surprise! had dinner at Crystal Jade.
Pardon me I have a penchant for writing events that happened quite long ago. In blogger/virtual time anything that is more than a few mins/hrs is "long ago".
Ordered 2 types of noodles... kinda disappointed. One E-Fu Mee which was too dry, and the other was a mistake.. I didn't want the CRISPY noodle with seafood. i only wanted noodle with seafood. and I choked on the Cripsy noodle cuz it poked me in my throat. hehe
Anyway, I had a pleasant surprise! Jiapei appeared with a beautiful and yummilicious cheesecake. Yummy! Great Job, you really improved leaps and bounds girl! Wonderful. You're many steps nearer to your dream cheesecake cafe manz. hhee. but mind you. dont do the baking yourself. It is very tiring when you get many orders. :)
Anyway, cake aside. I received a wonderful photography book on friendship. Please browse through it Kinokuniya if you have the chance. Tear off the wrapper if you have to. You'll be moved to tears when you look at the photos and think of the friendship these people in the photos share. It's up to your imagination to think of what happened. It's magical. Great photos.
6/13/2004 09:36:00 午後
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