This week, I have been attending a 5-day course on Dangerous Goods Regulations. I'm into my 3rd month of training and so far, this course has been the KILLER course. I'm struggling to grapple with the amount of content to remember and the location of the sections to refer to in the 800 over page thick regulations. Given my 20GB grey matter storage space which is near to maxing out, it truly has been one of the worst classes I've ever taken... Anyway, my trainer told us a story today. Something lifting... and here goes.
3 men died, and they were standing in the gates of heaven, waiting for judgement to see if they would go to Hell or Heaven.
The first man said "I've been working as a doctor all my life and saved lots of patients who were dying and did a lot of humanitarian work."
To this first man, the gods then replied "Please stand on this side, you are going to Hell."
The second man said "I was a teacher, and have given my heart and soul to education all my life. Of the many students I thought, many of them are now distinguished man and woman in society."
To the second man, the gods then replied "Please stand on this side as well, you are going to Hell."
The third man stepped forward, and said "I have been working for ABC Airlines all my life. As a cargo staff, I'm trained in Dangerous Goods, and I know how to accept or reject a shipment when it comes."
To the third man, the gods went "Well, please stand on the other stide, you will go to Heaven."
Upon hearing this, the first two men protested the unfairness of the god's judgement and demanded to know why they were sent to hell. To this, the Gods smiled, and replied "Well, that's because, this third man, has already been to hell......"
ラベル: random thoughts
Launched in Japan 22 Feb
Launching in Taiwan 15 March
Featuring... the Champagne PSP!

Tempted to get this.... and it is retailing in Taiwan for NT5980 = SGD280! Cheapr than in Singapore! First saw it in a magazine, but thought it was more golden than champagne... anyway, it is really pretty! Any spare cash??? Maybe not... but still... I'm tempted!
ラベル: random thoughts
Oishii sou? Looks good? Been wanting to eat handmade soba ever since.... ages... and had this during Serena's belated b-day celebration on sunday. It was great meeting up with friends from sec school. These group of friends have been the group that I've constantly kept in touch with. I'm so glad this has been the case. All the fun, laughter, old jokes and new ones. I begin to realise that though as we grow older, no matter how much our hair have grown longer (long hair was unpermitted in secondary school), how much makeup we put (or don't put), how much weight we have gained (or lost), how much height we gained from platforms, heels or whatever... some things will always remain the same. The way we laugh out loud oblivious to anyone else in the world, the lame and stupid jokes we make about each other and of course the way we slap each other. It was a brief lunch, sorry I had to go soon gals, but 150% memorable.
It was a great weekend! On sunday, I bought my first laptop! Excited! Though I was using a laptop during uni days, it was not really mine, (it was mum's) and it wasn't COOL or aesthetically appealing. Hahhaa... I got a NEC Versa E6200 to the horror of my fellow male colleagues, but heck, it was just too pretty for me to resist. And of course with the little discount and additional freebies above those listed thrown in. All the jostling through the crowd was certainly worth it! GOsh it took me 15 mins to get from 3rd floor to the basement can you believe it?

Saturday was another great day. Collected my passport from immigration. Had a long wait so much so that there was time to catch a train to Bugis, walk over to Middle Road to collect my cert, make one round in Kinokuniya, go back to Immigration Building and wait for another 15 mins. Met Weiling there and chatted a bit, which was nice. :)
Following Immigration, I headed to Orchard feeling excited for various reasons. Firstly, I'd finally get the chance to eat at Crystal Jade Express cuz I've been craving for Hong Kong Cha Can Teng food for a long time. After a short mental battle between Beef Brisket Noodles & Spicy Wu Xiang Rou Yi Ting Mian (chu qian yi ding noodles), the former was subdued. When the cashier who was also the supervisor (cuz she wore a black suit which was different from the rest) asked me what I wanted for a drink, I replied "Ning Mut" in cantonese which means Lemon Honey. She instinctly reciprocated in Cantonese "there is not Lemon Honey in the menu..." but then quickly added "Oh, I have Honey, and I have Lemon, so I can make you some Lemon Honey!" She went on to charge me the price for Peach Tea...and let me tell you, that example of resourcefulness and quickthinking, satisfying the customer, going the extra mile, really made my day. I took my seat, and within minutes, she came around with the glass of Lemon Honey personally and reminded me to squeeze the lemon myself. I was truly touched, as I believe she had made the drink personally and had taken the responsibility of bringing the drink to me (taking personal accountability). All the good principles of customer service that I learnt from the courses were played out in this little episode, and really worth remembering. And here I present, a very humble meal of Lemon Honey and Maggi Noodles. I think a lesson to learn is that you never know what little things is big enough to make a person's day.
Following the meal, finally met up with Serena, and we headed to watch Letters from Iwo Jima. Then I met up with my cousins Jiawei, Reika, uncle and auntie, & my family for a buffet... It had been a great weekend!
ラベル: Food, personal